
Today, we held the inaugural meeting of our journal club, Gravity t-time. During the session, we discussed the paper titled “Matter really does matter, or Why f(R, Matter) type theories are significant for gravitational physics and cosmology” (arXiv:2408.13594).

Grzegorz Dziewisz participated in the school “Searching for Quantum Gravity in the Sky”, and presented a poster titled “Uncertainty relations in Deformed Special Relativity”.

Dr. Noemi Zabari, the CEO of ASTROTECTONIC sp. z o.o., demonstrated to our students how to leverage the knowledge and skills acquired through studying physics, combined with recent scientific discoveries, for commercialization in cutting-edge technologies.

“White paper and roadmap for quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger era” has been published in Classical and Quantum Gravity. This is a collaborative effort by researchers who were members of the COST ACTION CA18108: Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach (QG-MM) .

The paper “Twin stars in General Relativity and Extended Theories of Gravity” published in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics together with Eva Lope-Oter.

The paper “Testing gravity with the latent heat of neutron star matter” published in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics together with Pablo Navarro Moreno and Felipe Llanes-Estrada.

He presented his research on “Black holes, Hawking radiation and quantum measures.”